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Hire Canadian Talent
We spend thousands of hours collecting information about candidates who are actively searching.
We handpick candidates, validate their LinkedIn profiles, work authorization, so you dont have to. Save tons of money and time!
- Sourced only from LinkedIn
- 86% reduction in sourcing efforts
- Easy search interface
Free list of Candidates who are actively looking for jobs
Get Ready to Maximize Your Productivity
We apply programmatic job advertising, machine learning techniques to engage candidates and help them connect with you
Receive 5-10 leads about actively looking candidates per week.
No contact details
Perfect to get an idea about of what the leads look like
Receive 100+ leads of actively looking software developers per month.
Contact details
Salary Expectations
For companies that want to spend time in engaging candidates
For busy companies who want to outsource talent acquisition
Upfront commitment of 20% cost savings
Post jobs for free
Pay only when candidate joins.
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