Landing a high paying job for a graduate is now harder than ever. How can one expect to land a high paying job with their own merit when everyone out there is doing something extra to add to their resume — extra courses, extra hours or internship, extra networking — to get the right referrals. So how can an average person expect to land their dream jobs under these circumstances?

On top of this, the graduate students have to deal with the social pressure to land a new job. If not they become the topic of ridicule among their friends and family. And also, in the current times, when the tuition fees are as high as mountains, you hardly find any student coming out of college debt free.
Some might argue that it is easier for a graduate to land a job than it is for someone who quit their once well-paying job and is now trying to enter into the workforce again. And to be honest, there is no comparison. A job hunter is a job hunter. With experience or without.
The job market is always bustling with people looking to switch jobs, and anyone whose contract comes up for renewal in the next few months will be participating as well.
So many people are out there, looking for jobs this very instant as you read this. But are there enough jobs out there for all these people? The truth is YES ! There are enough jobs out there for everyone. It’s just that people are looking for the wrong kinds of jobs and in all the wrong places.
The job-hunting process is about consistency. It’s about waking up every day to rejection letters and still not getting demotivated and applying for jobs again. Job hunting is about attending 100’s of calls from recruiters, giving so many interviews that now you can’t even remember which companies you applied for. Job hunting is about listening to people and sending out your resume to 100’s of contacts and job boards. Job hunting is hard.
We have been made to believe that the job-hunting process is hard. This is because this was the way that the job-hunting process was carried out in the past. But it doesn’t have to be that way now. Job hunting process does not have to be hard.
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