John flipped through the pages of his resume, looking for something to catch his eye. He had been applying to jobs left and right but it just didn’t seem like anything was working. John sighed as he looked at the pile of resumes on his desk — too many to count — and felt discouraged by how futile it all seemed. Just then, an email notification popped up on the screen in front of him. A new job offer? John clicked on it eagerly only to find out that they were not hiring anyone at this time. “Damn.” This was becoming a habit now, disappointment after disappointment with no end in sight. It’s really hard living off unemployment checks when you’re trying your best not to give up hope altogether…

The story of John has been told many times before, but it’s always interesting to hear from an outsider. We can’t help but think that there are a lot more people out here who will relate personally with what he went through- whether it’s something recent or worse -you find yourself in a similar situation too!
Job searching can be a daunting task. — It’s not easy to find good jobs with current economic conditions being what they are, but there have always been some ways of making the process easier.
Should you just upload your resume everywhere ? #resumesourcing If you’re looking for work, it’s time to stop sending resumes and start understanding how job postings work. Know how the job sites leverage your resume to make $money$
What are keywords ? #resumekeyword There are many ways to use keywords in a resume, but it’s important for you not only to understand the different strategies that will work best with your industry. You should also know when and where these words can be effective so they don’t hurt more than help!
Why don’t you get responses from LinkedIn — Easy Apply #linkedinrecruitment : As you continue to craft your resume and cover letter, don’t forget that recruiters will be busy people. They’ve got their hands full with applications from top-tier professionals like yourself! That’s why it is so important not only to make sure what information gets into these inboxes but also how this gets done — efficiently too or else all those hours spent writing could go down the drain before they even get started…
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